Cinderella, role model

I know there's been a lot of negative comments about Disney Princesses lately. Apparently,  they teach modern girls to be lowly dreamers who base their femininity on wearing frilly dresses, attending tea parties, and snagging the handsome prince.  I could point out how Mulan went to war to spare her elderly father, how Belle improved her mind though books and went to save the Beast, or how Tiana was a business woman, but I just want to focus on Cinderella.
Yes, Cinderella, the blond chick in the puffy blue dress who hung out with mice and wore the impractical glass slippers. So, why do I think she's to be emulated? 
Well, think of her position, evil step mom, nasty step sisters, not to mention the emotional abuse of having to be a servant aka slave in her own home.  And yet, she's still happy; she chooses to end the cycle of abuse and befriend those more vulnerable than she. Those who study child psychology know that she very well could have ended up kicking Gus Gus instead of making cute little outfits and feeding him and the other mice.
Also, somehow, despite sewing for and talking to, and naming the animals, she's still realistic. She doesn't rant and moan about how hard and unfair her life is, but she does at times lament her life, calling the early morning clock chime, a killjoy, and sighing softly when her "family" piles work upon work on her. ( Can I go so far as to say that her step family are all , gasp B capped witches? Seriously, the cops and shrink from SVU would have arrested them, I think)
And finally, Cinderella makes the choice to change her life. She could have given up when her step sister destroyed the dress she and the animals made, she could have told her fairy godmother, "Thanks, but fairy tales just don't work out for me. My life sucks and there's not a thing anyone can do bout it." But she didn't , she chose to take the carriage to the palace, she chose to accept the prince's invitation to dance.  Even after she's locked in her room, she orchestrates her animal's friend's efforts to rescue her and runs downstairs with her glass slipper, ready to change her life forever.
Princess, a bad influence? Yeah, because Snooki and the Kardashions are doing such a fine job for feminism.


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