Stranger Things, Season Comparison

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 We only have a few more months until season three of Stranger Things airs on Netflix.  During the wait, I re-watched the first two seasons and made some interesting comparisons and contrasts.
In both seasons, the Byers's home undergoes  drastic transformations. Season one, Joyce hangs the lights and paints the letters on the wall to better communicate with Will. Later, she hacks a hole in another wall, and the house sustains substantial damage when an attempt is made to burn the Demogorgon out.
 Season two, the transformation is not quite as damaging, mostly hanging Will’s map all over the walls and floors and boarding up the windows. However, some minor damage occurs during Steve and Billy’s fight, mostly broken dishes and the dent in floor made by Max swinging the nail studded bat.
Another similarity between the two seasons is that they both feature poor Steve being beaten up. In season one, by Jonathan, in season two by Billy. He seems to bounce back each time, perhaps due to his athletic training, but mostly due to adrenaline.
The Clash song, Should I Stay or Should I go?  makes an appearance  in both seasons, though more so in season one. Dungeons and Dragons is also mentioned extensively in both seasons one and two, though we only ever see them playing in the first season.
Some things that changes from one season to the next is the Byers family dog. The shaggy dog is only in a handful of episodes the first season and then is not even mentioned in the second. Hopefully the poor dog was not another victim of the Demogorgon. I know the dog was not a key player in the story, just as a dog lover, I wonder what happened to him.
Another change, is Mrs. Wheeler personality. In season one, she’s a typical mother, worried about her teenage daughter, sympathetic to her son’s issues, all while trying to be both kind and authoritative. 
However, in season two, she seems to be going through a bit of a mid -life crisis. She wears more makeup and isn’t seen doing as much parenting, though of course there are less scenes of the kids at home with her, so that could be a good reason. Then of course there’s how she is so taken in by Billy’s flirting.  I’m not judging her, just observing some slight changes from one season to the next, people do change, so it makes sense.

Of course, these are not the only similarities and differences, just the ones that struck me during this re-watch. What stood out to you and what are you most looking forward to next season?

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