Christmas Tea and Mice

Last weekend I hosted my church's Ladies Christmas Tea, making this year the first we've had the tea since my mother passed away and the first one I hosted on my own. The turn out was smaller than in the past,  but everyone enjoyed themselves and said Mom would be proud, which made it all worth while. The theme was Angels We Have Heard on High. Just as angels delivered the message of Christ's birth, we must do the same, whether by inviting people to church, or simply displaying patience while in a long, slow moving line at the store. I admit, having a loving, Christmas spirit it difficult; I work at a large retail chain, but seeing a smile on a tired cashier's face, or hearing a little kid laugh tell you about the toys they want, makes it special.

 Another wonderful experience I had was finding the matching  Rescuers ornament to the one I've had since being a kid in the 90's. Does anyone remember these guys? Bernard and Bianca from Disney's the Rescuers? I've had Bernard since I was a kid , but always wanted Bianca as well. But, McDonald's Happy Meals never yielded the desired ornament.  Last week, who should I find waiting for me at an indoor flea market?  Bianca! Calling this a Christmas miracle is a bit factitious, but I was pretty excited! 


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