2020: The Ren Faire Season That Almost Wasn’t

      Opening weekend of the Pennsylvania RenaissanceFaire looked different this year, the masks, less crowds, no wondering performers, actors, or vendors. Some performers, vendors, and shows were missing from past seasons.  Notably missing were the Lady Mayor, the Grave digger, The Bee Folks, and Human Chess. 

    While, I couldn’t help but notice the changes, I kept thinking, “I’m actually here, it’s actually open.”  Most faires made the painful but understandable decision to close this season. I can only imagine how difficult that was for all involved. 

    That being said, those of us who call the PRF home are so blessed that we can walk through the gates at all, We can see shows, shop, and enjoy good food and drink. 

    Yes, the shire is quieter, some vendors and performers could not join us, yet, the shire is open. For an entire day, I was home again. I bought incense and soap from my favorite shop, TheEnchanted Forrest. I had coffee with my friends, saw some favorite returning shows, like Cu Dubh and Don Juan and Miguel. We even saw one act that had not been back at PRF for ages, Barely Balanced. They were one of the first acts I ever saw at my first ren faire, so it was wonderful to see them again. 

Barely Balanced 

Don Juan and Miguel

Aaron Bonk

    The Queen put it best, when speaking at the event that replaced Human Chess. We can dwell on the way things used to be or we can simply enjoy being back. I think that’s good advice, not just for the faire, but for 2020. Yes, there’s much to be legitimately upset or even angry about. There are those who need our love and support; we need love and support. But we are here. For every event, trip, or celebration, that did not happen, there are little moments still happening all around us, Life goes on, friends and family are with us.  There is still much to enjoy, even if they are altered.  


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