Learning From Hallmark Christmas Movies

Like many women this time of year, I’ve been binge watching Hallmark Christmas movies since Thanksgiving week.  While I do chuckle a bit at the predictable plots, the overly adorable kids, and the perfect holidays, I still enjoy the movies. Sometimes I sit down and just watch, sometimes they are nice background as I wrap presents or do the dishes.
Hallmark Movies Socks
Despite some of the unrealistic even cliche` bits of the movies, I think there’s a lot to be learned from the stories.  Aside from caring about Christmas, people care about each other and their community.  If only real people cared as much for each other in real life. If only we took time to enjoy the holiday, without treating retail workers and other customers badly, without overspending for the sake of getting everyone we can think of something we think they may or may not like.
While reality will never be as Christmas card perfect as the movies, we can still treat each other kindly, help each other, and yes, enjoy the holidays.  You don’t have to bake every cookie, buy every toy, or write every card. You just need to remember what Christmas is all about, the love of Christ. Show that love to others and you will be doing Christmas right and your friend and family may remember it as the best Christmas ever.


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