Is Epcot Finally Realizing Walt’s Initial Dream?
The answer I’ve come up with is not quite but it’s getting close. Walt Disney’s original plan for EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) was not a theme park at all but an actual, if futuristic, living and working community. So, in that regard, no, Epcot is not being transitioned from theme park to community. What makes me feel as though EPCOT is almost living up to Walt’s initial dream is the fact that the park is actually making substantial changes and upgrades. A great irony of the park is that while its main theme are change and growth, there has been very little of either in the past years. While plenty of attractions, even entire buildings of attractions have closed, such as The Wonders of Life Pavilion, the only new attractions in recent times have been Mission Earth and Frozen Ever After. Then, bit by bit, Disney be...