Knoebels: Fun, Food, Fantasy, and Halloween!

Knoebels: Fun, Food, Fantasy, and Halloween!

            It seems more and more places are getting into the Halloween spirit and are hosting special events to celebrate, KnoebelsAmusement Resort is no different.  I’ve never been to the official Hallo-Fun weekends, but this year I was able to attend a Phoenix Phall Phunfest weekend. The park was decorated heavily for Halloween so, it felt like Hallo-Fun.
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 My family and I went the same weekend as the Covered Bridge arts festival, meaning the park was extremely crowded.  However, we did arrive as the arts festival was winding down, so that crowd left leaving a less crowded park.  While it was still crowded, it wasn’t too bad and we still had a wonderful time. 

Any amusement park is extra special at night, the lights punctuating the dark has an almost magical quality. When those lights are Halloween themed, well, that’s just even more magical.  

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I particularly loved how some of the rides were  decorated for the holiday. The Phoenix roller coaster’s entrance was decorated with a cemetery, the stones describing old Knoebels rides and the tunnel the track winds through had an enormous jack o lantern framing it, so it looked like the jack o lantern was eating your car.
waiting for the Phoenix 
            The best decorations were in the Haunted Mansion’s front yard. A whole host of skeletons were gathered in the yard, having a dinner party and swimming.  The line was too long to ride the Halloween themed train, but we still rode plenty of rides and ate tasty snacks.   

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It was a wonderful time and we can’t wait to return!  We learned some important tips, like get in line for the train early to avoid running out of time and try to avoid craft festival days.  Does anyone have more Knoebels Halloween tips?
Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and indoor


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