Globes Are Here to Stay

With the modern technology such of a GPS, some may wonder if globes are still useful today. They provide valuable, hands on education about geography, allowing people see a perspective not available to maps, either physical or virtual.
            There’s also something meaningful in feeling the surface glide under your hands as it spins to the desired country.  The features of a globe are varied yet, they all work together to help you get a better understanding of the world in which you live and hope to discover.

While traditional globes display just the countries’ name and geographical features,  a few globes are illustrated to show a region’s landmarks, or famous people, such illustrated globes  that showcases landmarks and tourist destinations.

 Some illustrated globes feature a specific city, such as Paris or Washington DC, highlighting their major cities and landmarks.  Aside from educational purposes these globes can be used to include your children in vacation planning or adjusting to a new home town.

  Globes have been useful and enjoyable for many years and will be useful and enjoyable for many years to come as they harken back to times of old libaries and elagance. 

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