
Night Time Walk : A Whimsical Bedtime Story

  A light rain taps against your window as you pull on your jacket . It’s already getting dark but your dog needs his evening walk and it’s finally cool enough to enjoy it.   The two of you head off down the street towards the small park. Rain puddles are forming as you walk along, your dog happily sniffing at the ground, wagging his tail and watching a leaf drift down from a tree. He even barks as it lands on his nose.   You smile, gently tugging on the lash to guide him into the park. Once under the trees that line the main pathway, the sounds of the city seem muffled.  You keep walking till you are nearing the center of the park. The large, ornamental fountain and the rain seem to be the only sounds. You sit on the fountain’s edge as your dog sniffs a t the damp grass.   A pale light beyond the fountain catches your eye. It seems to flicker, giving the impression of being a campfire , but campfire are not allowed in the park. Your dog looks in the same direction and bark hap

Sleep Store : A Not so Spooky Sleep Story

  You really need to get more sleep. You know how important it is to all aspects of your health, but you just can ’t seem to get enough meaningful sleep. You need some help you realize as you lay in bed . If only there was a store with helpful clerks to help you find what you need to get some rest.   You see the cloud shaped sign gently swaying in the cool night breeze. Sleep Store it reads in whimsical font surrounded by tiny, shimmering stars. The shop windows are shaped like crescent moons . You look inside to see a cozy little shop dotted with comfy armchairs and even some chaise lounge chairs.     Curious, you open the door to be greeted by the scent of fresh lavender and vanilla. You wander over to the nearest arm chai r and notice that the table next to it has an inviting cup of chamomile tea and a book of bedtime stories all ready.   “That’s for you,” a kindly voice assures you as an elderly lady walks from behind the main counter. “Having trouble sleep ing, dear?”   Y

Haunted Ice Cream Parlor (A Cozy Sleep Story)

            It’s been a very hot week, so hot that you’ve begun to feel lethargic and uncomfortable. You love summer , but this has been a bit much. You settle into bed at the end of yet another, long, hot day, but you are having trouble falling asleep no matter how you adjust your fan.   You take some deep breaths, trying to relax and empty your mind of the days wants and tomorrows plans, but all you can think of is how good a bowl of nice, cold ice cream would be. Hmmm, ice cream......   You close your eyes only to open, finding yourself on a humid city street you know well, but this version feels different somehow . You ponder this as you walk , but a side street, more like an alley, catches your eye. “Well, that’s new,” you think as your feet guide you down the narrow street paved with cobblestones and lined with shops you have never heard of, at least, not in the city you know.   A pale blue sign creaks in a light breeze, causing you to look up. It features an ic e cream cone

Paper Doll Tears

       When I was in the fourth grade my best friend Mary was hospitalized with appendicitis. While all of the other students' paper dolls were moved forward to represent progress in grades and good behavior, hers stayed alone at the starting line.         Maybe that's why one day I began to cry and could not stop. "Why are you crying?" My teacher demanded.      "I don't know!" I wailed.     But that wasn't what she wanted to hear apparently. Her eyes narrowed and her jaw tightened. "Well, I'll give you something to cry about." Then she wrote "no recess for Emily" in large spindly letters on the chalkboard.      Before I burst into fresh tears, I thought I heard a few kids gasp. Later that day, my mom, also a teacher, pulled me aside and scolded me for making my teacher uncomfortable. I was practically ordered not to cry in her class.      I learned an important lesson that day, my feelings do not matter. My feelings are too l


       Hello, online blog, that I hardly use and hardly no one reads.  I am trying to write more but am not sure if this is the place to do so. I am not sure what to do with my writing or how to write anymore. It's so hard to understand my place in my writing and my writing's place in the world or even just my world.  

Rainy Night

The rain used to make me sad for the longest time, but slowly I am able to feel at peace rather than sad. Rain washes the world clean   and maybe it washes the sadness away sometimes. 

Socks From Dad

  The socks Dad gave me his last Christmas with me are tearing. The socks Dad gave me my last birthday with him are tearing. I thought about mending them, Making them last just a bit longer. But into the trash they went. They are just socks, Just socks from Dad And not Dad himself. Sometimes you just have  to let things go.