
Showing posts from September, 2024

Night Time Walk : A Whimsical Bedtime Story

  A light rain taps against your window as you pull on your jacket . It’s already getting dark but your dog needs his evening walk and it’s finally cool enough to enjoy it.   The two of you head off down the street towards the small park. Rain puddles are forming as you walk along, your dog happily sniffing at the ground, wagging his tail and watching a leaf drift down from a tree. He even barks as it lands on his nose.   You smile, gently tugging on the lash to guide him into the park. Once under the trees that line the main pathway, the sounds of the city seem muffled.  You keep walking till you are nearing the center of the park. The large, ornamental fountain and the rain seem to be the only sounds. You sit on the fountain’s edge as your dog sniffs a t the damp grass.   A pale light beyond the fountain catches your eye. It seems to flicker, giving the impression of being a campfire , but campfire are not allowed in the park. Your dog looks in the same direction and bark hap