
Showing posts from September, 2017

Busy Summer

This summer may have been the busiest of my adult life. As a teenager, I went to summer camp, taught back yard Bible clubs, and went on family vacations.  Save for a Gettysburg trip and a bridal shower a few years ago, my summers as of late have been much less busy.             This summer however, was different, mostly due to my dad and planning a number of activities for my niece and nephew.  Sometimes, that’s a great way to have fun yourself, plan things for other people that you’ll enjoy as well.  Though, planning a bit for yourself is a good thing too.             Along with the kids’ activities, I had some new experiences this summer, a trampoline park, and a historic mining village. The trampoline park was definitely one of the kid’s activities.  However, when I was buying the tickets online I wondered if I shouldn’t jump with just to superv...