Positive Rejection
Another rejection letter came for me today and while I dreaded reading the all too familiar line, "... we regret that we cannot use your submission" the letter was still encouraging. Why? Because the editor of the magazine liked my story. She said, I created a strong plot and mood that carried throughout. She mentioned that the ending seemed a but rushed to her, which I'm not completely sure I agree with, but I'm re reading it to check for possible improvements. Of course, I'm still disappointed about my story not being published, but it was wonderful to hear praise and constructive advice from a professional, as well as an invitation to submit again. I'm still terribly fond of my scary little story, it was about a haunted house, and would love to see it find a home somewhere. I'll polish it up and search magazines, contests, and other venues and see what unfolds. I still have one non fiction piece submitted for a contest, a novella, at a publishers...