It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas; HELP!
I have two very different views on Christmas, one is in favor as the holiday as a whole, the spiritual significance, the gift giving, Santa, all of it. The second is my view from a retail clerk's perspective, hence the HELP! in the title. Anyone who has worked any type of retail, particularity a major chain retailer knows what a horrendous experience it can be. Nasty, impatient customers, long hours, can all combine to leech all joy out of the holiday. However, I love Christmas and to quote Charlie Brown, "I'm not letting this commercial dog ruin my Christmas," As a long time retail worker I tend to be sympathetic to my fellows out there in stores large in small. That being said, here are some tips to how you as a shopper can make Christmas enjoyable for store clerks and casheirs. 1. If a store you frequent is open on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve do not complain to the clerks. They did not choose the hours and if it's a large chain neither did the individu...