Adults place such an emphasis on children's future careers. At first, this is a good thing; it shows kids that interests and hobbies have a purpose in their lives, it also teaches them about the different people that make up a community. As we age, however, we become obsessed with the god of career. "I have to get good grades so I can get into a good college so I can have a good career." What should be a healthy sense of accomplishment becomes our identity. "I'm a teacher," or "I'm a store manager." For me, it was being able to say, "I'm an author, a published author." Well, aside from newspaper articles that hasn't happened yet. My fiction has either returned from publishers and agents or still sits on flash drives and notebooks. So, am I still an author? Do I become dejected by the rejections or do I become obsessively driven? I've struggled with both, mostly with dejection to be honest. I was led to believe ...